From our Friends

3 Ways Kids Can Help People Experiencing Homelessness

3 ways kids can help

Looking for a family-friendly, hands-on way to give back to the community? People experiencing homelessness are in immediate need of food, clothing, and access to hygiene. Families can volunteer from home to help meet these needs by making sack lunches, hosting a clothing drive, or packing hygiene care kits. 

Blanchet House of Hospitality distributes these essential items during its meal services. The nonprofit, located in downtown Portland, serves three hot meals daily, Mon-Sat, to anyone who comes to their doors all without judgement. 

Your contribution is an act of kindness that will provide dignity, hope, and community to people living without shelter and trying to survive in the tough conditions. 

Make Sack Lunches

Making sack lunches at home is a fun and meaningful way to help with your family or friends. You can make as few as 10 or as many as 100 sack lunches containing a sandwich (meat or pb&j), fruit, and wrapped snacks to be handed out every Saturday to Blanchet House’s guests. You can choose a date from the online calendar to drop off your lunches at

Host a Clothing Drive

Blanchet House’s guests need adult-sized clothing that is appropriate for being outdoors in the cold and rain. You can donate clothing that respects the dignity of the receiver by only donating new and gently used clean clothes. 

Pack Hygiene Care Kits

Care kits contain essential relief items. Things like clean socks, a rain poncho, a hand warmer or gloves, bath wipes, and snacks offer comfort to someone living outdoors. Blanchet House offers the care kits that you make to their meal guests. Learn more at

Any donations can be dropped off at Blanchet House, 310 NW Glisan, Mon-Sat, 8-10:30 a.m. or 1:30-4:00 p.m. Thank you for helping to alleviate suffering in our community!  To find out more about Blanchet House’s services visit