From our Friends

Family Fun: Halloween Games

Family Fun: Halloween Games

Here are two fun Halloween games to play with the family, from our friends at Play.Fit.Fun.

Steal From the Witch

  • Pick someone to be the “witch”
  • The “witch” stands in the center of the playing area with a “magic wand” (pool noodle, rolled up towel, etc…)
  • Surround the witch with 15-20 objects (Flat cones, plastic cups, stuffed animals, etc…). 
  • Break the kids or family into 2-3 teams, and gave them a home base about 6-10 feet away from the “witch” and the circle/square of objects around him/her.  
  • Each round begins with one player at a time from each team trying to steal one of the flat objects, without being tagged by the “wand”.  
  • Once all the objects are gone, the team (or person) with the most objects wins that round.  
  • Choose another “witch” and repeat!  Tons of active fun, ducking, tagging, evading, strategizing!


Tic Tac Toe…in a way! 

  • Break the group up into two teams and set out some kind of tic tac toe grid (you can draw one on cardboard, construction paper, etc.
  • Each team (or person) gets a different colored set of objects (coins, cones, cups, toys, etc.).
  • The first players for each team run down and place their object in a square on the grid, then races back to tag their teammate.
  • The teams are trying to get three of their team’s objects in a row first. 
  • The second round uses the same format, but each team only receives three objects.  
  • Once all the objects are on the board, if there aren’t three in a row for a win, the next player can go down and pick up ONE of their team’s objects and place it in an empty square to either win or block. 
  • Play continues until one team wins. This can be done 1v1 as well, with one player vs. another if you do not have enough players to form teams of 2+ players.