Spring has Sprung: New Music for NW Kids


What an unusual year. Spring seemed to start here in mid-January, and we are weeks ahead of our friends on the East coast in terms of springy weather, flowers blooming, kids and dogs covered in mud, etc. etc. It’s a little bit lovely and a little bit scary at the same time. We seem to be winning at this climate change thing, at least at this point.


If it’s spring, it’s time to clear out, clean up and generally get rid of “Too Much Junk.” A new single by New York electro-pop artist Elska might be just the inspiration you need to clear out those overfilled toy boxes. The single was produced with Wilco artist Mikael Jorgensen and it is available HERE. The “Too Much Junk” music video was just released, too!

Another thing to think about now that the days are brighter and warmer is how to get all of those device-plugged kiddos outside for some good old-fashioned vitamin D. Portland tunester Cat Doorman has the right tracks to the outdoors, with her new digital EP “Calling All the Kids to the Yard.” These poppy songs manage to be smart and sweet at the same time. You’ll be amazed at her rendition of the classic children’s song “All the Pretty Little Horses,” too.

Backyard Garden COVER low res

And straight up the I-5 from LA comes the perfect playlist for Earth Day 2015: “Backyard Garden” by Earthworm Ensemble, a group of alt.Americana artists who have played at Alberta Rose Theater as the band I See Hawks in LA. Catch a sampler of their songs here, and check out the Earthworm Ensemble website and CDBaby.com for album release news on April 21st.

All of these are super song choices for your spring break road trips, too. Guaranteed not to drive you mad.

Let us know what you’re listening to this season.



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